This is just a short glossary of names and terms used in the Legends of Tirmar series, complete with a pronunciation guide. Note that due to different accents among the clans, some may pronounce things a little differently from others. The pronunciations given here are those used by the clan from which the term or name comes.
Avin (AY-vin) – A young boy from Ubesket; rescued by Randell after orcs destroyed the town
Brenna (BREN-na) – Daughter of Meinrad
Drogave (DROH-gayv) – Flyn and Kel’s home town on Trygsted
Estlaeg Mountains (EST-layg) – Mountain range along the eastern coast of Tirmar.
Flynygyn Geirrsen (FLIN-i-gin GAIR-son), Flyn (FLIN) – Son of Geirr
Geirr Bandisen (GAIR BAHN-deh-son) – Flyn’s father
Gudbrant (GOOD-brant) – captain of the Garthset Militia
Gunnulf (GUN-nulf) – a prospector in the Nidfel Mountains
Harvig (HAR-vig) – a militiaman of Garthset
Helene (HEH-leen), Lene (lee nee) – Flyn’s mother
Jarot (jah-ROT) – a Yonarr who returns to Tirmar to try to rebuild the Yonarr Empire
Kelby Walensen (KEL-bee WAY-len-son), Kel (Kel) – Flyn’s best friend
Mithar Ocean (MI-thar) – the ocean east of Tirmar
Nidfel Mountains (NID-fell) – Moutain range in northeastern Tirmar
Osthorp (OZ-thorp) – One of the few large towns on Trygsted
Pal Famsen (pol FAM-son) – Store owner in Drogave
Randell (ran-DELL) – a militiaman of Garthset
Sigrid (SIG-rid) – dwarf from the Kirr clan
Tirmar (tir-MAR) – Land where the story takes place
Trygsted (TRIG-sted) – An island west of Tirmar where the Andor clan settled. Approximately 35 leagues (100 miles) wide at its widest point. Approximately 5,000sq miles.
Tyryse Geirrsen (TY-reez GAIR-son), Ty (TY) – Son of Geirr
Vahul (VAH-hul) – Heaven in the religions of both Tirmar and Trygsted
Yonarr (YOH-nar) – Race of immortal beings that once ruled all of Tirmar
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